Golden West Pine Mills, LLC. Made in the USA
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Phone: (970) 590-8351
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Prices current as of Janauary 1, 2022.  Please note that prices are subject to change.  You can also download our price lists, Please click here.

Ponderosa Pine/Lodgepole Pine

Rough Sawn

Utility Stock

Price List
Tally MBF Price Ea. Tally MBF Price Ea. Tally MBF Price Ea.
1x2 1.3 1.300 $1.69 2 1.400 $2.80 2.6 1.600 $4.16
1x4 2.6 1.300 $3.38 4 1.400 $5.60 5.33 1.600 $8.53
1x6 4 1.300 $5.20 6 1.400 $8.40 8 1.600 $12.80
1x8 5.33 1.300 $6.93 8 1.400 $11.20 10.6 1.600 $16.96
1x10 6.6 1.300 $8.58 10 1.400 $14.00 13.3 1.700 $22.61
1x12 8 1.300 $10.40 12 1.400 $16.80 16 1.700 $27.20
1.5x4 4 1.300 $5.20 6 1.400 $8.40 8 1.600 $12.80
1.5x6 6 1.300 $7.80 9 1.400 $12.60 12 1.600 $19.20
1.5x8 8 1.300 $10.40 12 1.400 $16.80 16 1.600 $26.60
1.5x10 10 1.400 $14.00 15 1.500 $22.50 20 1.700 $34.00
1.5x12 12 1.400 $16.80 18 1.500 $27.00 24 1.700 $40.80
2x4 5.3 1.400 $7.42 8 1.500 $12.00 10.6 1.750 $18.55
2x6 8 1.400 $11.20 12 1.500 $18.00 16 1.750 $28.00
2x8 10.6 1.500 $15.90 16 1.600 $25.60 21.3 1.850 $39.41
2x10 13.3 1.500 $19.95 20 1.600 $32.00 26.6 1.850 $49.21
2x12 16 1.500 $24.00 24 1.600 $38.40 32 1.820 $59.20
3x4 8 1.500 $12.00 12 1.600 $19.20 16 1.850 $29.60
3x6 12 1.500 $18.00 18 1.600 $28.80 24 1.8520 $44.40
3x8 16 1.600 $25.60 24 1.700 $40.80 32 2.000 $64.00
3x10 20 1.600 $32.00 30 1.700 $51.00 40 2.000 $80.00
3x12 24 1.600 $38.40 36 1.700 $61.20 48 2.000 $96.00
4x4 10.6 1.400 $14.84 16 1.500 $24.00 21.3 1.700 $36.21
4x6 16 1.400 $22.40 24 1.500 $36.00 32 1.700 $54.40
4x8 21.3 1.600 $34.08 32 1.700 $54.40 42.6 2.000 $85.20
4x10 26.6 1.600 $42.56 40 1.700 $68.00 53.3 2.000 $106.60
4x12 32 1.600 $51.20 48 1.700 $81.60 64 2.000 $128.00
6x6 24 1.400 $33.60 36 1.600 $57.60 48 2.000 $96.00
6x8 32 1.700 $54.40 48 18.50 $88.80 64 2.000 $128.00
6x10 40 1.700 $68.00 60 1.850 $111.00 80 2.000 $160.00
6x12 48 1.700 $81.60 72 1.850 $133.20 96 2.000 $192.00
8x8 42.6 1.800 $76.68 64 1.900 $121.60 85.3 2.000 $170.60
8x10 53.3 1.800 $95.94 80 1.900 $152.00 106.6 2.000 $213.20
  • All items are air dried only! Moisture content may vary
  • Above material is considered "mill run" only.
  • All sizes listed are full dimension i.e. 2x6 is 2" thick by 6" wide, +/- 1/4"