GWPM Wins USDA Forest Service Community Wood Grant
By AC Hinz
Friday - May 7, 2021 1:00 pm     Article Hits:4247     A+ | a-
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today awarded more than $15 million to fund grant proposals to develop and expand the use of wood products, strengthen emerging wood energy markets and protect community forests. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack made the announcement in Colorado today while visiting prescribed fire and wildfire recovery areas adjacent to the Roosevelt National Forest Northern Colorado Front Range landscape.

The grant funding, delivered through USDA Forest Service programs, will support 60 projects that cover a diverse range of activities from the development of affordable housing to expanding markets for mass timber, biochar, wood energy and other emerging wood products. The grants also include funds to help tribes, local governments and qualified non-profit organizations permanently conserve working forests that benefit communities.

GWPM was awarded a Forest Service Community Wood Grant program awards for fiscal year 2021 include $2.1 million one of  six shovel-ready projects in six states. Initiated in the 2018 Farm Bill, the grant program helps to fund the costs of installing wood energy systems and building innovative wood product facilities in rural communities nationwide. Awardees listed here will use locally sourced wood to reduce energy costs and fossil fuel use while supporting sustainable forest management.